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Story time: The Heart of a Cowgirl

Mary Fichtner

Mary Fichtner holding her new cowgirl book
My new book, The Heart of a Cowgirl ♥

Hi, it's Mary with Rusty’s Reading Remuda, and I am going to read our latest book to you today, The Heart of a Cowgirl. This book is so important because it was written with nothing but heart, and it comes at the request of many, many grandmas and mommas who want to pass down the beautiful spirit of the cowgirl.

Cowgirls dream on stars and wish on dandelions. But then they get to work to make it all happen.

We all live in a different type of rodeo. We have different types of animals. We have different kinds of families, and we live in different places.

But we all share the spirit of a cowgirl. It's an attitude, it's courage and tenacity, and it's very special.

So let me read to you about the heart of a cowgirl.

This book has some of my favorite illustrations, along with Cowgirl’s favorite horse and dog.

"A cowgirl's value cannot be measured.
Her courage and grace are why she's so treasured.
The finest of rubies can never outshine
Her bold, truthful heart, it makes her divine."

This book is dedicated to all of you strong, beautiful, courageous cowgirls that I have the honor of knowing, and I look forward to meeting so many more of you.

So thank you for listening and keep living your best cowgirl life.

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